World Class School Management System
Newton SMS from MBA Fakhro is an one-stop software platform to manage your school efficiently. With 20+ high-demand modules, round the clock support and a dedicated Research & development team Newton SMS is the right fit to be your technology partner! .
With NewtonSMS, managing a school, a department or a class will be one of the most enjoyable things to do. With over 20 modules, we cover everything from Front Office to Zoom classrooms, online exams...
Take your game to the next level
- Front Office
- Student Data
- Attendence
- Examinations
- Academics
- Human Resource
- Income & Expense
- Inventory
- Fee Collection
- Communication
- Home Work
- Library
- Transport
- Hostal
- Certificate
- Inventory
- Zoon Live Class
- Download Centre
- Online Examinations
- Android Mobile App
- IOS Mobile App
- Alumini
Responsive user interface

Smart school will over all kinds of devices seamlessly.
Multiuser account system

Access for admin, teacher, student and parent.
Student fees management

Manage student fees very easily.
Database Backup Restore

Database Backup Restore Easily backup, restore the whole database..

Zoom & Google online classes for remote teaching.
Parent monitor child activity

Parent monitor all activities of his child.
Exam marks management

Manage exam marks of all student.
Online & Offline fee payment

Ability to take online & manual payments.